Lymphoma | What Clinicians Want to Know: Addressing Current Questions and Controversies Regarding the Role of CAR T-Cell Therapy and Bispecific Antibodies in the Management of Lymphoma
Featuring perspectives from Dr Jeremy S
Abramson, Dr Jennifer Crombie, Prof Martin Hutchings, Dr Matthew
Lunning and Dr Tycel Phillips, moderated by Dr Abramson, including
the following topics:
Introduction (0:00)
Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-Cell
Therapy for Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) — Dr Abramson
Bispecific Antibody Therapy for DLBCL — Prof Hutchings
CAR T-Cell Therapy for Other Lymphoma
Subtypes — Dr Lunning (52:01)
Bispecific Antibody Therapy for Follicular Lymphoma and Other
Lymphoma Subtypes — Dr Phillips (1:17:46)
Tolerability Considerations with CAR T-Cell and Bispecific
Antibody Therapy — Dr Crombie (1:41:44)
Featuring the video recorded proceedings of events held in conjunction with important scientific symposia, live webcasts and closed meetings featuring the perspectives of renowned clinical investigators, these videos provide an overview of important advances in the management of a number of solid tumors and hematologic cancers.