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Jul 31, 2023

Featuring perspectives from Dr Hanny Al-Samkari, including the following topics:

  • Case: A woman in her mid 60s with a past medical history of hypertension and Sjögren's syndrome presents to emergency with diffuse petechiae in her extremities and the taste of iron in her mouth (0:00)
  • Case: A man in his early 30s with chronic immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) who has been off therapy for 18 months with no constitutional symptoms presents for his 3-month follow-up with platelet count decreased to 29 x 109/L (3:26)
  • Case: A woman in her mid 60s with chronic ITP who has received multiple treatments over a decade and is resistant to splenectomy presents for follow-up with a platelet count of 11 x 109/L (5:58)
  • Characterizing immune dysfunction in patients with ITP (7:45)
  • Perspectives on the approach to initial therapy for ITP (12:23)
  • Treatment approaches beyond first-line therapy (17:34)
  • Addressing symptoms and concerns beyond the issue of bleeding for patients with ITP (22:19)
  • Role of splenectomy in the treatment of ITP (27:08)
  • CME information and select publications